Saturday, October 30, 2010

When life hands you lemons...

I say give the things back! Or make a tangy Lemon Ginger Chicken! Perhaps I will leave that for another post though.

Today while toiling away at my 8-5 I realized something a bit disturbing. The arch of my left foot was throbbing and in pain. Random, I know and I chalked it up to a strained muscle from the amazing news shoes that I purchased recently. So hobbled about my day but as I was heading to the staff kitchen for the umpteenth (so a technical term!) to refill my water bottle I noticed I couldn't put any pressure onto my left foot and was walking around on tip toe.

I work in the media business, and to be more specific the news... so any little oddity gets noticed in a BIG way.

While walking back from the kitchen I stopped to chat with a co-worker, and asked her about the strained muscle in the arch. we both happen to be in love with shoes so I figured if anyone would know she would. I pulled my foot out of my shoe to show her and that is when I saw it... Swollen, puffy, red with random striations heading in a crazy pattern up my leg...

So off to the doctors I went, much hmming and huhing later I am banished to the couch for Halloween weekend and am on crutches at least for the next three days. I get to take these amazing antibiotics and soak my foot four times a day... though this does mean that instead of the parties and costuming that were planned on I will be staying in and having a movie marathon! Sunday night will be with the p'rents watching kids come by in their cute costumes and talking about the BIZ and the boy!

So here is to a weekend filled with the unexpected lemon, but soon to be made into an amazing adventure!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Good Morning and how do you do?

Many months ago I started this crazy little blog, for me, to keep myself accountable, to change my stripes... and that worked about as well as reupholstering my couch did. (My poor couch still has one blue arm and the rest is chocolatey brown!) So I am starting again. Drawing a line in the sand and throwing a fist into the air as a decleration of a new beginning.

I am definitely a child of the digital era, a digital native who has dreams of living simply and off the land, with a large family and a home filled with finished projects! Setting my mind to do this is amusing, after much waffling, it has been made up! Chisled into the stone slab of my brain... there is a catch though. I have the attention span of a nat.

I said it a nat.

I can accomplish things, I do so daily at work, and in fact am working my way up a fairly steady (well at least it still has a leg and some rungs) ladder of corporate crazieness.

My interests however have NOTHING to do with work... interests might be too loose of a word. Obsessions might be better. So I will go with that though I cringe a bit to say obsessed. It is the truth though and I am not one to shy away from the truth... Fashion, lord help me, I am obsessed with fashion trends. I tend to find obscure looks that I fall madly, deeply, fantastically in love with. Like industrialized victorian cothing. Hairstyles that are soft and easy, that compliment the bone structure of my severe German American features.

My other current obsession is clean eating. I may be a former fast food junkie preferring the quick fix of chicken nuggets dunked in honey with a side of belly busting french fries... This could have been what led me to being 80lbs overweight and wondering what happened. HA! I am now 50lbs lighter and still looking to loose the last 30lbs. And clean eating will get me there... I am convinced!

The last obsession that I am willing to admit to, at least for now, stems from growing up in a house filled with laughter and love. Can you guess? Any takers? I am obsessed with dreaming! Of what? A family of my own! And running a self sustaining business so that I can be a stay at home mom with all my little wee ones (that one day I will have)

So for now, I am a corporate ladder climbing 20 something woman, sorda single, slightly obsessed with my weight, fashion and what I put in my mouth. Who dreams of undying love and a white picket fence with a dog in the yard and a baby on my hip!

Thanks for stopping by... More to come for each day is an adventure...