Saturday, October 30, 2010

When life hands you lemons...

I say give the things back! Or make a tangy Lemon Ginger Chicken! Perhaps I will leave that for another post though.

Today while toiling away at my 8-5 I realized something a bit disturbing. The arch of my left foot was throbbing and in pain. Random, I know and I chalked it up to a strained muscle from the amazing news shoes that I purchased recently. So hobbled about my day but as I was heading to the staff kitchen for the umpteenth (so a technical term!) to refill my water bottle I noticed I couldn't put any pressure onto my left foot and was walking around on tip toe.

I work in the media business, and to be more specific the news... so any little oddity gets noticed in a BIG way.

While walking back from the kitchen I stopped to chat with a co-worker, and asked her about the strained muscle in the arch. we both happen to be in love with shoes so I figured if anyone would know she would. I pulled my foot out of my shoe to show her and that is when I saw it... Swollen, puffy, red with random striations heading in a crazy pattern up my leg...

So off to the doctors I went, much hmming and huhing later I am banished to the couch for Halloween weekend and am on crutches at least for the next three days. I get to take these amazing antibiotics and soak my foot four times a day... though this does mean that instead of the parties and costuming that were planned on I will be staying in and having a movie marathon! Sunday night will be with the p'rents watching kids come by in their cute costumes and talking about the BIZ and the boy!

So here is to a weekend filled with the unexpected lemon, but soon to be made into an amazing adventure!

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